Slow fermentation cool raised baguette
Slow fermentation cool raised baguette
Grupa | Težina / Zapremnina |
Durum wheat coarse | 7.000 g |
Flour Τ70% | 3.000 g |
Amore L 100 | 800 g |
Yeast | 150 g |
Salt | 180 g |
Water | 6.400 g |
Mix all the ingredients for 3 minutes at the low speed and for 6 minutes at the high speed until you get an elastic dough. Let it rest for 15 minutes.
Cut in 380 g and form gently. Place in fabric and let it rest covered for 17 hours in the fridge at 4°C.
Take the dough out the fridge and let it for 20 minutes in room temperature.
Proof for 30 minutes. Proof conditions 35-37 °C with 70-75% moistness.
Throw a little flour and make cuts on the surface.
Bake at 210-220°C for 30- 35 minutes with steam. Open the damper the last 10 minutes of baking.